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5. Guidelines penulisan artikel (flagship jurnals/international jurnals)
a. Title - short and sweet! - not more than 12 words
b. Authors' page - Name, address, tel. no., fax. no., e-mail add., bibliography of authors - not too long.
c. Abstract - Purpose, methodology, findings, limitations of study, originality, practical implementations, keywords (not more than 5 keywords), paper type (i.e. research paper, literature, conceptual, technical, case study) - not more than 150 words.
d. Introduction - issue, problem, gaps of knowledge, objectives of study
e. review of literature - propose hypotheses
f. methodology
g. analysis and findings
h. disccussion and practical implementations
i. future research plan
j. references - please refer to author guidelines!
#Length of article = 4,000-6,000 words or not more than 25 pages -double spacing, 12 fond size.
Good luck!
Associate Professor Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud,
1. Saya ingin mengajak rakan-rakan SIG M&B yang mempunyai artikel prosiding/thesis untuk ditukarkan/upgrade ke artikel jurnal antarabangsa/perdana.
2. Setiap ahli boleh memilih co-authors masing-masing dikalangan ahli SIG M&B (kalau boleh tidak lebih 4 orang), dan perlu mengikut etika penulisan .
3. Artikel yang hendak dihantar perlu diedit terlebih dahulu dan segala urusan penulisan semua adalah bergantung kepada budi bicara pemilik artikel .
4. Pengabungan bidang juga digalakkan.
5. Guidelines penulisan artikel (flagship jurnals/international jurnals)
a. Title - short and sweet! - not more than 12 words
b. Authors' page - Name, address, tel. no., fax. no., e-mail add., bibliography of authors - not too long.
c. Abstract - Purpose, methodology, findings, limitations of study, originality, practical implementations, keywords (not more than 5 keywords), paper type (i.e. research paper, literature, conceptual, technical, case study) - not more than 150 words.
d. Introduction - issue, problem, gaps of knowledge, objectives of study
e. review of literature - propose hypotheses
f. methodology
g. analysis and findings
h. disccussion and practical implementations
i. future research plan
j. references - please refer to author guidelines!
#Length of article = 4,000-6,000 words or not more than 25 pages -double spacing, 12 fond size.
Good luck!
Associate Professor Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud,
Ph.D (MIS), MoM, B.Sc., Cert. Adv. Stats, Cert. Prob For & Formul.
Head, Division of ICT Support Research Management Institute (RMI)
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia
Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal (USA)
International Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society (UK)
Journal of Administrative Sciences (Malaysia)
Journal of Computer Information Systems (USA)
Journal of Managerial Issues (USA)
Interdiciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge and Management (USA)
Journal of Information, Information Technology and Organizations (USA)
International Journal of Doctorial Studies (USA)
International Journal of Scientific Research in Education (Nigeria)
Scientific Journals International (USA)
Journal of Global Business Administration, (Canada)
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (USA)
International Academy of Business and Economics (USA)
Jurnal Gading (Malaysia)
COMPASS (Malaysia)
Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology (New Zealand)
3rd International Online Conference on Business and Management 2009 (UK)
Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference 2009 (USA)
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